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Friday, November 19, 2010


Dear Neophyte,

Sobek seems to be a God of All Animals in my mind. I don’t know where I’m getting this feeling but it’s very persistent whenever I think of Him. 

As if, to honor any animal, I would just need to call on Him. To give offerings to the Critters in the Bushes (CitB), I would call on Him to disperse them evenly or guide the CitB to the offerings. If I were going to heal an animal, I would call on Him. If I were finding a lost animal, I would call on Him. If I were adopting out a lost animal, I would call on Him. 

He just seems to be a God of All Animals. Like the Veterinary God, if Egyptians vets even had a patron Deity. BTW, Egyptians did have veterinarians who were trained to deal specifically with animal health and well-being, whether farm, pet or exotic wild beast in the zoos. 

I think I would weather proof His shrine and place it out-of doors where the wild animals could come eat of the offerings.

I need to do more research to see if any of this is true or if I'm just seeing a great gator head and confusing some kind of message.


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