Dear Neophyte,
Time for another house cleansing. Which is what I went back to my books to read up on. I have an Egyptian style house cleansing that I used last time and it worked quite well I think. The issue I have with this is that I have since acquired a new patron deity and may still be acquiring another. While I think it slightly lazy to use the generic term “god and goddess’ as opposed to calling them by their myriad of Names, I find it downright insulting to call upon a Deity who has not revealed themselves as your Patron yet.
I have to look outside the Egyptian culture for a Hearth and Home deity, since the Egyptians had Gods for specific aspects of the home, but not one that ruled them all. The Romans had family gods and gods of each house. The problem, here, again, is that I don’t have a god in my family nor do I know how to go about finding the ‘god of my house’.
I guess I will do an ancestor House Blessing to get rid of funky bad spirits. These are the one things that remain constant threw the years. I’ve even had Matron deities come and go. Artemis and Pan (if you can believe it!), for instance, back in my wilder and more savage youth. Ancestors are forever.
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