Four Thieves Vinegar is part of the standard magical arsenal of any self-respecting hoo-doo witch. While there are several variations of this concoction, the simplest one is to just add garlic to vinegar and let it marinade for a month.

Use Magical: Psychic protection, ward off spells of other witches, to enhance spells calling for vinegar and to remove unwanted enemies. Sprinkle on their doorstep or smear on doorknob where they will touch it or serve it to them to get the ball rolling on getting them out of your life. Make a wash to remove negative energy, and plague, after healing work. Can also be used in healing to chase an illness away.
Cayenne Pepper
Black Pepper
Lemon Balm
juniper berries
Elemcampane root
Wild Marjoram
Acetic acid
Instructions: Mix any combination of the herbs and cover with apple cider or white wine vinegar. Let sit for 1 month to 6 weeks, shaking daily. Strain out old herbs and end of soak or they will start to dissolve and be nasty. You can alter the ingredient list to make it taste or smell according to your wants.
Lore of Four: Tradition says that only four herbs can go into the mixtures at a time and it must be heated and cooled and boiled for four min on four days and used four times to achieve effect. One for each thief.
"How I made mine:
Cleansed, invoked and bless both the garlic and the vinegar and as I made it chanted several times:
“I charge you now to banish all pests,
Let my itchy kin know some rest”
I kept this change up as I charged it for as long as I felt it was making the potion stronger.
I worded it like this so that I could not only spray it on my cats in between baths but also use it on the furniture and on clothing if I have to. It will keep ALL my ‘kin’ free of biting fleas. Warning, though, it does smell and smell strongly. Since vinegar is one of the key ingredients in a sauce we put on our rice, it made me have food cravings to smell it. Since I don’t want to change the smell-association, I will be using this sparingly."
What I could have done differently, if I had the information at my fingertips, is to use more correspondences:
Moon Phase
Color of Bottle
Food color the vinegar (mine was already red)
Number of Ounces of Vinegar
Number of Garlic Bulbs used
Correspondences of when Garlic Was Picked
Number of Times Garlic Was Pressed
Number of Times Bottle was Shaken or Stired to Mix
Number of days between swirling.
I also should have grounded and centered before starting, maybe cast a circle around myself to contain the energy, but I was pressed for time. Didn’t want a wakeful roomy to walk threw and disturb me since I was in the kitchen. It was a rather spur of the moment working. The good thing is that the moon is waning so the banishing phase of the moon is covered.
Lastly, the quote of the day:
The kitchen table is the Altar in the Temple of Life.
Froggy Kisses,
~*~ Sesh ~*~
Note: It's been almost a year since I made this and it's still in the cabinet. Because of how god-awful strong it is I only used it once for it's intended flea-getting-rid-of purpose. I also forgot to strain the garlic out and now it's kinda gross looking. It still smells ripe as heck though! And since it's only got garlic in it, I wonder if it's edible...
Either way, I know just who I need driven away with this since I cant bring myself to subject my poor kitties and house mates to the smell :(
Also, Four Thieves Vinegar has a lot of ways it can be used and it's worth reading up on. It's a natural insect replant, air cleanser and body cleanser for working in a sick room.
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