Dear Neophyte,
I LOAD incantations up when I clean the kitty box. I got into it, praying for the eradication of bacteria that is found in most fecal mater. I chanted it for lowered amounts of dust. I prayed for the litter to not cause any adverse health effects to my cats. I blessed it to keep bad odors at bay between scooping.
"Dear Bast,
Bless me with a clean kitty box
Against all odors this litter shall block.
Absorbing the poo smells
And urine that reaks
Level all dust clouds
And giving kitties clean feets.
Kill all the microbes
Leave not a one
Ward my felines from danger
Screw 'harm none"!
I invoke the right to care for my pets
Against kidney stones
And lung disease
And costly trips to the vets.
I ask forgiveness of Mother Earth
For taking her clay
And shrinking Her girth.
I detest the strip mining
That brings me this treat
I love inside kitties
That stay safe with me.
Goddess of Joy
And playfull mirth
Grant us your blessings
As I pour forth this earth.
By our grace
As I will
So shall it be."
~ Sesh Au-Set
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