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Saturday, June 2, 2012

History of Witchcraft

Dear Neophyte,

I wrote this history of witchcraft about a year ago when I was starting my religious studies from the top.  If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them after the essay.  You having the exact same history books I do is highly unlikely, so I sited only the online sources here :)

History of Witchcraft
By: Sesh

Gris Gris Bag 
Witchcraft is the craft of the Witch.  A Witch is a person who uses magic to bring about a desired change in the physical or metaphysical world.  Such magic includes health, wealth and money magic.  Folk magic is magic that is tied to a specific culture or area, and is generally local herbalism, charms and incantations to ensure good harvests and such.

Ancestor Shrine, Greece
When human conscious evolved to include a kind of religion, it’s thought that the first kind of ritual was for the dead.  Ancestor worship became the first religion.  Since the ancestors were real and able to effect change, it was believed that one could pray to ancestors for desired results.  Paleolithic humans deified what they did not understand in a process called animism.  Soon, nature and animal spirits were added to ancestors to create the first primitive pantheons.  What evolved into God/desses came to have power over the world around Neolithic humans and humans began attempting ritual and ceremony in order to curry the favor of the Devine.   Soon it was noted that some members of a tribe or family were better at getting results and they became the village Shaman or Witch doctor.  Thus is the beginning of Witchcraft.

Village Witch

In Neolithic times, early humans practiced what’s called sympathetic magic.  Sympathetic magic is the act of showing a deity what one needs in order to get the desired result.  This magic included rain dances and mock deer hunts to ensure the actual hunt would be fruitful. 

Hunter's Magic

Hunter-gather families became tribes, such as the Native Americans, that followed animal herds and would often act out hunts before they happened in order to achieve a successful hunt.  As tribes became communities and kingdoms, nomads settled down and began planting crops and domesticating animals.   Fertility rituals were some of the most common forms of magic used and ensured, not just human fertility, but also the fertility of food animals and crops

Early man took teachings and inspirations from nature, animals and the heavens.  There was no set of dogmatic beliefs at first and obviously no scripture.  Witches used Witchcraft to predict seasonal and weather changes and to find water and other essentials for nomadic tribes.  They were wise elders of the family.  When groups of primitive humans banded together, it was often the council of elders who lead the groups.  When chieftains and kings arose, the elders played a dominant role in the hierarchy as seers and mystics who used their craft for the betterment of the territory.


Shamanism is probably the oldest form of witchcraft.  Shamans, female and male, would use noxious concoctions and fumes to induce trances and visions.  These visions were called vision quests, where a practitioner would often leave their body and visit their tribe’s deities or ancestors on the astral plane.  These meetings would result in the parting of useful information that the shaman would take back to their chief. 

That's right: Magic Mushrooms, yo!

The earliest God/desses were a Mother Goddess and a God, who was a hunter figure, often portrayed with horns and other animal parts.  Aside from God/desses, there were many spirits of animals, plants and natural elements that were all deified latter.  To show respect for the sacrifice of animals, their unwearable or inedible parts were used as decoration around camps and homes.  Skulls, or instance, were hung on poles around the perimeter of a community to ward off possible attacks from other communities.

Rain Bringer

Symbolism is of great importance in the history of witchcraft.  Symbols of The Goddess were carved on cave walls and are the same ones used to this day.  In fact, the famous Goddess Position in ritual came from one such cave painting.  The God symbols, too, were on cave walls, often showing the animals He ruled over and who sacrificed themselves for food. 

Upper Left 

Life continued in tribes and communities for thousands of years, until more powerful weapons were devised and battle strategies were perfected.   Then chieftains united tribes and communities into clans, relying heavily on witchcraft to ensure success, and clans became a people and people became a kingdom with a name and one ruler.

King Author

Perhaps the most famous practicing group of witches was the Celts, who lived between 700 BC and 100 AD.  Descended from Indo-Europeans, the Celts were hunters, musicians, metalworkers, farmers and warriors.  Deeply spiritual, they worshiped a vast array of Deities, some adopted from conquered nations.

Celts, Celtic Burial

All pre-Abrahamic religions are Pagan.  Pagan rituals, in this area of the world, blended with Indo-European groups and spawned the practice of concocting potions, ointments, casting spells and magic in general.  These practices, which were held in high regard all over the world, were practiced by the Celts and became known as Witchcraft.

The Celtic form of witchcraft became blended with the Romans when they were conquered.  The Romans had their own way of practicing magic, which included the use of anti-fertility curses etched on lead for those who wanted to be promiscuous.  There were even laws distinguishing between good and bad forms of magic, bad magic being banned of course. 

Lead Curse Tablet
When the Christians began rising in power, the practice of witchcraft was accepted as being a practice of the ‘paganus’, or rural people and their non-Christian religions.  As Christians gained more power, and forced conversion became common in all conquered nations, the rural religion was banned, as was the practice of witchcraft, which not longer had a reputation of being usable for good.

Drove snakes, i.e. Druids, out of Ireland, forcing the Irish to convert to Christianity

In Europe, beginning about A.D. 700, witchcraft began to be associated with heresy.  That is, the rejection of church teachings.  Prior to this, some say as late as the 14th century, witchcraft was thought to be a collection practices and beliefs that included healing through spell, ointments and concoctions.  It was also the act of dabbling in the supernatural, divination and clairvoyance.

Cause Reading palms is DANGEROUS!

Heresy was officially made a crime in about 1000 A.D.  religious leaders made an effort to end heresy and sentenced what they considered non-Christians to death.  The Inquisition, which was made famous in the Poe tale “The Pit and the Pendulum”, officially began about 1230 A.D. 

"Free thinking is bad for Church business, so STFU!"

The Inquisition was an attempt by the church to get the country folk to change their beliefs, but mostly did more damage to the church by burning it’s own followers, most off whom got on someone’s bad side before being accused.

Women were targeted in order to 'bring their gender to heel'. 

About this time North America was discovered.  Some went to America to escape the Inquisition and settlers practiced witchcraft for the same reason primitive man did- to grow crops and bring about a successful hunt.  Despite a decree that forbid witchcraft in the North American colonies, some colonists continued to do so.  Some of these rituals were said to help protect their settlements form hostile natives.

Witch Bottle, popular form of Colonial Witchcraft

Back in Europe, by the 1500’s the secular (nonreligious) court was doing most of the trials of witches, most of who were accused of human sacrifice and Devil worship.  Historians doubt Devil worship was widespread, though modern Satanists will agree that their religion came about partially as a result of the hardship of Christian doctrine.

15th Century Engraving of Devil Worhipers

The peak of the witch hunt came in the 1500s and early 1600.  Many said witches weren’t practitioners of any kind of Witch’s craft, but were tortured until they confessed.  Even if they confessed, they still faced torture, banishment and execution.  Even in New England, America, trials were being conducted into the early 1700s.

Salem Witch Trials
         As a result of the with hunt, which didn’t actually get many witches, witchcraft and the Pagan religions had to go underground or risk getting caught. Some formed secret societies, others died out.  Though there is little proof, it’s nice to think that those who claim hereditary descendant of an ancient branch of witchcraft might be telling the truth.  Perhaps they are, maybe not.  Folk magic, a form of witchcraft, has been practiced around the world as hearth craft for eons and is usually passed on from parent to offspring as family tradition.  Making soup for a sick loved one, for instance, could be considered witchcraft.

Magic in  Bowl, Mm-mm Good!

In modern times, the reemergence of witchcraft for the modern public began with Gerald Garner in 1954 when he started a new religion: Wicca.  Though Garner believed he had been initiated into a line of witches that went strait back to the ancient days, there is irrefutable evidence that most of his material was culled from different secret societies, brotherhoods and lodges.

Freemasons are a (not so) Secret Society that Practices 'Witchcraft' by Modern Definitions of the Term
Because of the need for a more interactive religion, as well as reverence for the Mother Earth (the concept as Gianims), Neo-Paganism and the practice of witchcraft quickly took off.  Garner’s book “The Meaning of Witchcraft” became the basis for the modern movement of religious witchcraft.  We’ve come full circle with our Neolithic forbearers. 


The modern practice of witchcraft has spread from Britain to the US and Ireland and from the UK to the rest of Europe.  Even Canada, Australia and Asia.  In the past books have helped spread the word, but now the Internet is the most prolific instrument for the reemergence of this truly ancient practice.

The Witches Voice (Witchvox) Website

To this day we are seeing the reemergence of more and more varied traditions of witchcraft.  What in the past were only interesting snippets of folklore and family tradition are being given new and greater meaning by a new generation of Witches.
And I don't Care What they Come to Circle Wearing!


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