Dear Neophyte,
Magical cooking takes a few steps to integrate into your routine and habits. Here is a list of ways in which you can get used to seeing the mundane in a magical way.
Bless the water before you cook.
Bless the salt before you add it to your food.
Charge one or two of the herbs you use - but not too many as this will could end badly!
Be aware of what materials your dishes are made out of. Metals have magic properties.
Know what your wooden spoons are made of. Wood has magic properties.
Be mindful of where your food comes from.
Give thanks for your food, taking a moment to visualize blessing all the people who helped get your food to you.
Give thanks to the spirit of the animal who was butchered so you could eat it.
Bless your beverage if it's some kind of tea or juice.
Have the Gods bless your meal and always immediately cut a nice slice of everything and offer it up. I take mine outside and dispose of it in the compost pile.
Be aware of the four elements and how the affect your cooking and even your ability to cook.
Draw symbols and signs over and into your food to bless it.
Make a Kitchen Witch doll to charge and hang into your kitchen.
Use magical herbs you grow in your cooking.
Design an apron with a magical theme to use while cooking.
When blessing meat for consumption, I first ask for forgiveness of the animal that died to bring it to me. I then ask for it’s soul to journey happily to the Spiral and takes it’s place there. I assure the animal that its body is not going to waste and thank it for it’s sacrifice to feed me. If it’s a specific Purpose I have in mind, as I did with the fish mean, I may charge the meat with a purpose. If not, then I continue to the general blessing used for the veggies and every meal.
Remember, if you cook something, bless it and charge it for anything specific, always be thankful that your prayers are answered. Even if it's not the method of answer you expected.
There are more ways to bring magic into your cooking and I'll add them latter as I discover them :)
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