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Sunday, October 3, 2010

Throwing the Cards

Dear Neophyte,

I threw the cards October 26th of last year and this is what I came up with.  One year latter and, threw much trial and error, I have determined I either need to try harder to accomplish the goals in my life or start kicking people in the face who deliberately stand in my way. 

I diverse to be happy but I dont think some of the people I chose to be around think I deserve it.   

Conclusion from the cards:  I am responsible for my situation. I label all the mystery out of my life, close myself off to change and suggestion, and have lost contact with the real me.  I am fractured and unhappy because I am not living wholy as I need to be.

Solutions, in list form:
I need to become Queen of My Domain.
I need to set up a Family Meeting Night.
I need to get out of the house.
I need to label myself.
I need to fix what is bad, regarding thoes lables.
I need to go into nature more.
I need to reconnect with the old me.  (write what the old me was like and study it)
I need to be more aware of my Carbon Footprints.
I need to take care of my home Environment.
I need to cake care of my Home (Earth).
I need to put (more) effort into my religious studies and practices.
I need to be consistent bout the right things.
I need to be particular (about what really matters).
I need to eat better.
I need to practice dancing.
I need to open up emotionaly to my friends and family.

Most of this I have worked on.  I know what I can accomplish in my current situation.  Its sad to note that in other aspects of my life I'm being held back - sadder still that I think it is on purpose by people who are trying to use me.


Mood: Dictoral
Music: Everytime - Britney Spears  (Her one good song)

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