Dear Neophyte,
It's been a hot minute since I wrote about Samhain here. I'll fix that once I get done moving all my oversharing from my Facebook to here, where it belongs.
For Samhain this year In consumed 3 glasses of white wine, one of red, drug my hair through candle wax and then cut it off. It all sounds so dramatic till you hear that cutting off 4 inches of hair hardly makes a difference when you have 3 feet of the stuff, and the whine just made me sleep really well ^-^
That's what I did this year. Mostly because my sister is home and I decided I prefer to spend my holydays with the gods as they are meant to be spent. I can't really do that when she's around - not that it's her fault but several years in a row I tried to get her to do holidays my way and she's not having it - so I'll do it when she's not.
This year I spend most of my holy days alone, as she only really comes out for three of the eight and in my opinion, it's half-arsing religion to only celebrate the ones you "like" or "see the point of". Instead of that, I chose to spend some time each year for the last several going over and over and over what each holy day means and year after year after year I get it. More and more, a little at a time, even the ones that didn't make any sense to me several years ago, they feel integral to my spiritual life. They mark important occasions.
If nothing else they help remind you of how close it is to the parts of the year you like the best. Repeated over and over in ritual "The sun is reborn! The days grow longer and warmer. The Darkest Night is over and we the Witches rejoice!" (I just made that up, but it's the gist of my Yule speech said in ritual) help you to keep track of the fact that the best of winter is over and how you get to look forward to dying of heat stroke and being eaten by mosquitos in 70 days.
Kinda like the maturation period of cucumbers.
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